Cold Sore CASTOR OIL - Treatment For Genital Herpes
How to cure cold soars?
You have played sex roulette and have lost. On your genitals there were burning ulcers. For you fever and wilt. After collecting analysis the doctor has drawn output, that for you genital herpes, that illness is incurable, and it for you forever! Or that scabby sores that will not heal around the anus!
But it is not necessary to despair. The majority of people are carriers of this virus known still under the name simple herpes - herpes simplex 2. And here there is other question: Why some people wear in themselves a virus for years without disease explosions while others are exposed to constant attacks of illness? Could the cold sores gone forever?
Doctors consider, that the person who is more exerted, is depressed, hostile and easily runs into anger, is exposed to attacks is more often. Assume that such properties depress immune system of an organism.
Medicine which will help
If for you the cinched case of herpes or frequent relapses, you, probably, want to revert to the doctor that it has written out to you Acyclovir a medicine which as it has been proved, accelerates time of recover and reduces acuteness of attacks. If you had a first outbreak or it is retried often, most likely, the doctor can help you. Acyclovir reduces frequency of attacks by 90 %. If you are pregnant, it is very important to reporting to the one who observes of your pregnancy as the herpes can infect newborns.
Be not discouraged
Why? First, if for you all as for people, the initial, acute season of herpes will start and will come to an end (routinely in 2-3 weeks), the subsequent attacks are rare and, as a rule, not so are acute as the first. Secondly, now is Acyclovir. To put it briefly, or at a natural course of illness or by means of therapeutic interference the herpes can be output from a remediless status.Fortify immune systemExperts precisely do not know, that the long season forces herpes virus to sleep easy in an organism, and then spontaneously to wake up and lead chaos. But many consider that the weakened immune system is guilty. This link is as though strong was, would be of you wise to hold the immune system the sober and armed well balanced diet, durable rest, a release phenomenon and regular physical exercises.
Use a soap and water
The first, that can come to you mind when you will find ulcers on generative organs, is to treat all of them, that only is for you in the first-aid set. Do not make it. Do not use ointments since they can quench arrival of air and retard healing process. Hormonal ointments, besides, also depress immune defense system. As well as with any ulcers, you should be afraid of development secondary - a bacterial infection contamination, but the soap and water here all that is necessary for you for maintenance of this range in cleanliness, free from microbes. All of you pearly will not slay a virus anything, except Acyclovir.
Use a castor oil
Cold sore castor oil - it is considered, that wads with a castor oil fortify immune system. For the maximum strengthening of immune system start from 1 cup of a castor oil with which you carefully will permeate a soft tissue. Put it on top of a gaste and cover with Membranula, from above put a heater, such hot that it was possible to suffer, and lie down so 1 hour. At first make procedure once a day within a month. Continue treatment 3 times per week and during outbreak of herpes and more often.
Wear free underwear from a cotton
As for healing air is important, wear only such pants that will yield a skin to breathe, that is wear a cotton, instead of synthetics. If you wish to wear a cool swim wear, think of cutting an insertion from cotton from cowards and вшить it in a swim wear.Facilitate an emotionThe emotion for the person with the first outbreak can be very painful as the aciduria gets on open ulcers. It is especially harmful to women. Therefore it is necessary to try, that urine did not get on ulcers. It can be made by means of a circinate toilet paper.
Do not touch
Think of how to reduce cold sores. Though illness is called «genital herpes», it is possible to pass a virus to other districts of a body if to touch an open ulcer and after that to concern with a dactyl, for example, a mouth or an eye. Therefore it is very important not to paw an ulcer. If you think, that can be scratched at night, cover ulcers with defensive substance, for example, cheesecloth through which the skin can breathe.
Think of additives
What foods bring on cold sores? Some doctors say, that such materials as zinc in the form of ointment or capsular, amino acid lysine can help at herpes outbreak. But despite separate researches, efficacy of these resources it has not been proved, according to the majority of doctors. If you want to try any of these additives, know that the big doses can be dangerous and should be taken over only under observation of the doctor.
Do not pass illness to another
Recollect, how you have received herpes. Now on you responsibility on protection of others lays. When for you an ulcer, you are very infectious. Avoid sex attitudes. When ulcers are not present, you probably will not pass a virus, but for larger safety and peace of mind it is better to use a condom. By the way, if you already have herpes, it does not mean, that you cannot receive its other form. Though it happens not often, the herpes on genitals can be retried with other sorts of viruses. Make cold sores gone forever.
cold sore CASTOR OIL