Facial Herpes Symptoms

Herpes is a very spread and very infectious viral illness which returns by
crises. When the immune system works normally, the virus of herpes
rest in state of latency and will never be very busy perhaps.

When body's defenses get weaker, the infection declares itself. Of babies
vesicles filled with liquid can appear to different places of the body.

According to the place of the infection, they will speak of:
- Labial said herpes also cold sores.
- Genital herpes: located on the external sexual organs and thighs.
- Shingles: on the body, the thorax or the face.

For 3 types of herpes the mechanism of appearance is the same:
The virus is in the state of latency in ganglions, a weakening of our defenses
immune draw away his activation and his displacement along itineraries
nervous.. It is at this moment that he becomes observable for the person infected with
3 very distinct stages:
- Itches and burns with the appearance of small vesicles.
- The hatching of vesicles with the liberalisation of million viruses (risks maximum of
- Healing
Contaminated subjects don't get rid any more of the virus which remains all life in
There are nevertheless efficient treatments which tranquilize symptoms and
control the virus.

Labiale herpes

Labial Herp is the most frequent and paradoxically treated most worse of
Less painful and less embarrassing than genital herpes, labial herp can be
controlled by the simple application of a cream based on the acyclovir on the lip. (He
the treatment from the beginning needs to begin prickle)

The factors launching herpes are:

stress or deep emotion
the catch of alcohol
a local traumatism (extraction of a tooth, sexual annoyance...)
sexual relationships (for genital herpes),
exhibition in the sun (for the herpes of the face)


Medicaments currently on the market act almost all according to the same
principle: they inhibit the viral replication of the DNA, clearly, they prevent the virus of
As a result, from the first itches (prickle) he is necessary
to apply small quantities of active substance to the angry zone and of
multiply operation at the very least 5 times a day, to prevent multiplication
(the appearance of the virus)


What Cold Sore Home Remedies Are There To Help You?

cold sore home remedies
Why would somebody look for cold sore home remedies? Are they better than other remedies? Or maybe they are safer? They are able to treat sores faster? Let's see, what the answers to these questions are.

Cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1, also known as oral herpes. The second type - HSV-2 - is a genital herpes. Herpes is highly contagious during its outbreak period and it is this period when the disease brings the most sufferings to the person.

The secret of successful cold sore treatment is to catch the disease in the early stage and start your treatment right away as soon as you notice the first symptoms of the coming outbreak. Of course there are lots of various remedies to treat the herpes, but why would you choose natural ones? There are reasons, actually.

First of all, herpes cannot be fully treated yet, which means you will have to deal with it from time to time throughout your whole life. If you constantly use OTC treatments, drugs, or some other synthetic and artificial medications for a long time, it can impact your health in a negative way. This is the major cause why it's better to switch to cold sore natural remedies.

Second thing is that natural cold sore cures are safer in both short and long term. They contain natural ingredients, which gently work on minimizing the outbreak severity and speeding up the healing process.

Third thing is that the majority of the natural remedies for cold sores are very affordable; actually you can find many of them right at your home that is why we titled this article "cold sore home remedies". Those remedies can just be right there!

OK, now let's see what you can do to prevent or/and minimize the cold sore outbreak, and improve the healing speed.

Cold Sore Home Remedies That Work

First thing to do is to always keep the sores dry and clean. You need to wash it with soap and a damp towel regularly - say, every two or three hours. You can use a sterilized needle to drain the fluid out of the sores.

There is a simple method to bring relief to your sores: take an ice cube and rub it over the sores. It will reduce irritation, swelling, itching, and make the whole severity of the outbreak lower. You can use ice for every two hours and leave it there on the sore for ten minutes.

To prevent infection petroleum jelly can be used; the sores' fluid cannot go beyond the sore because the jelly creates a barrier that covers the whole sore. So it can prevent the spreading of the virus and it also helps to heal the sore.

You can use milk compresses on the sores to get the relief. Use a half of a cup of room temperature milk, soak cotton in it for a minute or two, and apply it on the sores. Keep the compress there for 10 minutes, and repeat the process three or four times a day. The used cotton should be disposed immediately after the usage to prevent the transition of the virus.

You can also try using a nail polish remover over the cold sores; repeat the process every two hours; the nail polish remover is able to soak up all the fluid inside the store.

Use lemon juice on the cold sore blisters to increase the healing rate; just apply it over the sores and keep it there for a while. You can use the peppermint oil in the same way, but be careful if you have a sensitive skin to avoid skin burns.

cold sore natural remedies
Aloe Vera possesses antiviral properties and often found in many skin care products. It accelerates the healing and prevents the herpes virus multiplication.

Of course you need to fight the virus from inside as well. Start taking lysine supplements as soon as you notice the first signs of the outbreak. Lysine is an amino acid that reduced the herpes virus ability to multiply itself. Those who suffer from cold sores are advised to take lysine supplements at least once a year.

You can also take other vitamin and mineral supplements, which are not directly related to the cold sore treatment. The idea is to help your body fight herpes itself by making the immune system stronger.

Make some changes to your diet; lessen the amount of arginine foods like peanuts, chocolate, coffee, etc. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and foods high in antioxidants.

Protect your skin from strong wind, and excessive sun UV rays. Do regular physical training to keep your body fit.

These are the cold sore home remedies that work, and many of them can be easily found at your home. They are safe and effective. Of course before you start your cold sore treatment, consult with your doctor to make the treatment safe and effective.


Looking For Natural Cold Sore Treatment?

natural cold sore treatment
When you are looking for natural cold sore treatment, what steps are you taking? What remedies are you going to use? Lets briefly discuss these things and hopefully you will find what you need.

First Of All, Does Cold Sore Natural Treatment Work At All?

The answer is definitely yes! Why am I so sure? Where is the proof? While the proof is not really difficult to find (and of course I don't have to give a proof to myself, as it worked for me), we need to understand that a natural remedy will work, but we need to know how fast and how well it will work. Natural cures for herpes are different in their power to remove herpes or cold sores; also different remedies will work differently for (again) different people. But, the huge advantage of natural treatment that it has almost no side effects while pharmaceutical remedies usually have.

So, going natural means going safe. This is especially important since we all know that these cold sores are likely to stay with us for long (yet no remedy has been invented to cure them completely yet), so just imagine how much harm can you do to yourself using chemical drugs for an extended period of time to subdue your sores? That is why natural ingredients are safer in both short and long run. The problems may take place only if you have an allergenic reaction to a particular ingredient.

What Is The Natural Cold Sore Prevention?

The thing means that you use natural cures to prevent or subdue your existing herpes or cold sores. It includes following diets rich in lysine, zinc, and vitamin C, using natural supplements like Echinacea, or Aloe Vera, etc. Thus you can naturally prevent cold sores outbreaks without any harm to your body.

These natural things are usually considered to be home remedies for cold sore, just because they are easily found at almost any home. So it is not difficult to start the natural cold sore treatment, especially when its great benefits are taken into account.


About This Site

This site is intended to be a collection of information on cold sore treatments and products, as well as Herpes treatments. Since this is a personal site, it only reflects the author's experience and cannot be held as the all-in-all resource for the subject. Thus the readers are advised to take it seriously and before they try any treatment, to consult with their doctor.

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